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    0730 - 0735

    Conference Opening and Welcome
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Mok Shao Feng

    Prof A.Vathsala

    Opening Morning Plenaries (In conjunction with NUH Grand Rounds)
    Moderator: Prof A.Vathsala

    0735 – 0800

    What Health for All means for Everyone in the Future?

    Prof Yeoh Khay Guan
    0800 – 0825

    Quality Improvement: Raising the Bar

    Prof Mark Zeidel
    0825 – 0840

    Q & A

    0840 - 0850


    Symposium 1
    Obesity: The Metabolic Epidemic
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Mok Shao Feng

    0850 – 0925

    The setpoint theory in obesity:
    Beyond caloric balance

    A/Prof Khoo Chin Meng
    0925 - 1000

    Managing Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity:
    New Challenges, New Medications

    Prof Martin Abrahamson
    1000 – 1035

    Dietary modification for weight loss

    Dr Lim Su Lin
    1035 – 1050

    Q & A

    1050 - 1100


    Symposium 2
    Gastroenterology and Hepatology review
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Lee Guan Huei

    1100 – 1135

    Management of chronic hepatitis:
    Overview and latest update

    Prof Dan Yock Young
    1135 – 1215

    Challenging Cases in Hepatology and Gastroenterology

    Prof Sanjiv Chopra
    1215 – 1250

    Approach to upper gastrointestinal bleeding

    Dr Yousif A’Rahim
    1250 – 1300

    Q & A

    1300 – 1345


    Afternoon Plenary
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Teoh Chia Meng

    1345 – 1445

    Clinical Reasoning from the Experts

    Prof Sanjiv Chopra
    Dr Molly Hayes
    Prof Paul Anantharajah
    1445 – 1500


    Symposium 3
    Respiratory Medicine Review
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Teoh Chia Meng

    1500 - 1535

    Lung cancer: screening, early detection and evaluation

    Dr Mamta Ruparel
    1535 – 1615

    Challenging Cases in Respiratory Medicine

    Dr Molly Hayes
    1615 – 1650

    An update on management

    Dr Catherine Ong
    1650 – 1710

    Q & A

    End of Day 1


    Morning Plenary
    Moderator: Dr Desmond Teo

    0800 - 0840

    Microbiome, Man and Medicine

    Prof Sanjiv Chopra
    0840 - 0850

    Q & A

    0850 - 0900


    Symposium 4
    Clinical Conundrums
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Mok Shao Feng

    0900 - 0940
    Challenging Cases in Endocrinology
    Prof Martin Abrahamson
    0940 - 1010
    Drug Allergies & the Role of Drug Desensitization
    Adj A/Prof Amelia Santosa
    1010 - 1050
    Challenging Cases in Nephrology
    Prof Mark Zeidel
    1050 - 1100

    Symposium 5
    Stroke: Prevention, Detection and Health Restoration
    Moderator: Prof Benjamin Ong Kian Chung

    1100 - 1135
    Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation: Roles of Direct Oral Anti Coagulants (DOACs)
    Dr Yap Eng Soo
    1135 - 1210
    Update in stroke evaluation and management (Including AI component)
    Dr Leonard Yeo
    1210 - 1245
    Post - stroke rehab: The Next Frontier
    Dr Effie Chew
    1245 - 1300
    Q & A
    1300 - 1345

    Afternoon Plenary
    Moderator: Dr Clarice Choong

    1345 - 1430
    Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Making Doctors Smarter
    Dr Yousif A’Rahim
    1430 - 1500

    Symposium 6
    Keeping the humanity in Medicine
    Moderator: Dr Desmond Teo

    1500 - 1535

    Palliative Care for the Internist: Nuts and Bolts

    Dr Noreen Chan
    1535 - 1610
    Humanising the ICU
    Dr Molly Hayes
    1610 - 1645
    Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments
    Prof Jason Phua
    1650 - 1710
    Q & A
    1700 - 1720

    Closing Ceremony and Address
    Moderator: Adj A/Prof Mok Shao Feng

    Prof A.Vathsala
    Prof Mark Zeidel

    End of Day 2